Monday, May 18, 2020

Chapter 6 of Beyond Fringe

Please listen to Chapter 6 of Beyond Fringe. It is located on the Asheville Cryptid and Paranormal Society YouTube channel. 

Please listen and subscribe.
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and Instagram ashevillecryptid

Why Do We Call Ourselves Cryptid Detectives.



       I was asked recently why we use the moniker of Cryptid Detectives; when we describe what we do, well the answer is simple. A Detective detects, and that involves Research and Investigation. That is what The Cryptid Guy, and the Asheville Cryptid and Paranormal Society do. They both research and Investigate High Strangeness, which includes Cryptids, Paranormal Activity, and the Supernatural. Detective work is an inclusive term that summarizes what we all do.

This is Blanche The Cryptid and Paranormal Wonder Dog!

Cryptids watch out!