Tuesday, December 15, 2020

CRYPTONOLOGY : A modern approach to Cryptid research, with reinforcement from ancient teachings.

 Happy Holidays 

   As some of you know I have been working on a book about Cryptids, being a Cryptid Detective, my travels, and adventures looking for all different types of Cryptids; primarily across the Eastern Seaboard. I am also discussing other reports that have brought me to different parts of the world. One thing remains constant. The more I detect and look for evidence, the more I realize that there have been "Experts" in the field of cryptozoology for thousands of years. I have always been fascinated by the Native American Culture, and the more I research the more genius I find in the Native Cultures. The Native American Cultures along with other ancient cultures around the world have been using what we refer to as CRYPTONOLOGY (the study of signs, symbols, folklore, and superstition leading to evidence for cryptids) to explain Cryptids. 

   Many cultures have been swept into the sea of time, lost forever. However, they have left ancient knowledge that we can use today to explain Cryptids, their habits, customs, culture, and norms. With the use of these different deposits of knowledge left all over the world, by the ancients, I will attempt to answer all of the questions that are raised by the Cryptid questions pertaining to their existence. First and foremost, Are they real? Where did they come from?  With the use of Cryptonology, I will attempt to answer these questions, and focus on new and specific centration, of ancient history. With this new centration, I will attempt to bridge the gap between the modern age, we live in,  and the earliest of recorded history. This will be done by answering the questions of today, by utilization the bygone knowledge from an archaic, and lost time. My goal is to explain Cryptids in today's world, by using ancient knowledge left behind in the forms of signs, symbols, folklore, and superstition, which will eventually unlock the mysteries that will lead to real evidence of cryptids in the modern world. 


   Best wishes for a great New Year

-Cryptid Guy 

Blanche The Cryptid and Paranormal Wonder Dog expresses her wishes for everyone to have Happy Holidays. 

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

New Things Coming Soon!!

I just want to tell you all that we have a lot of new things coming in the summer of 2020. Due to the current conditions in the Country, just like everyone else, we have had some setbacks. However, we are determined to finish up the research on the Cryptid Cave System Theory, and the Haunted sunken city in North Carolina. We also have exciting new guests and topics for our podcast Beyond Fringe, available on Youtube and our webpage. 
Best Wishes,
-The Cryptid Guy


“Strange times are these in which we live when old and young are taught falsehoods in school. And the person that dares, to tell the truth, is called at once a lunatic and fool”

― Plato

Monday, June 1, 2020

Chapter 8 Giants part 1

   Tiny and I just got done recording Chapter 8 of Beyond Fringe, Giants part 1, and as we got done I could not help but think that this has been a very strange time for America. We all need to come together and act as one, this needs to be a time of healing and understanding, we are all in this together and we are ALL part of God's plan. That includes EVERY SINGLE PERSON ON THIS PLANET!
    Please try to remember that and treat everyone like they are family because they are. 
When things get bad, and hope seems like an impossibility, I like to listen to this:

Please take care of each other, and......

Remember my friends…., KNOWLEDGE IS POWER, and the only way to DEFEAT the intentional vail of the darkness that surrounds us all, BATTLE  THE IGNORANCE that shackles us to hatred and despair, and restore balance is to let the light in, so remember always LET THERE BE LIGHT, in your life, and KEEP BELIEVING!!!  

Blanche The Cryptid and Paranormal Wonder Dog,
This is her idea of taking a walk. 

Best wishes,
-Cryptid Guy

Monday, May 18, 2020

Chapter 6 of Beyond Fringe

Please listen to Chapter 6 of Beyond Fringe. It is located on the Asheville Cryptid and Paranormal Society YouTube channel. 

Please listen and subscribe.
Follow us on Twitter @SocietyCryptid
and Instagram ashevillecryptid

Why Do We Call Ourselves Cryptid Detectives.



       I was asked recently why we use the moniker of Cryptid Detectives; when we describe what we do, well the answer is simple. A Detective detects, and that involves Research and Investigation. That is what The Cryptid Guy, and the Asheville Cryptid and Paranormal Society do. They both research and Investigate High Strangeness, which includes Cryptids, Paranormal Activity, and the Supernatural. Detective work is an inclusive term that summarizes what we all do.

This is Blanche The Cryptid and Paranormal Wonder Dog!

Cryptids watch out! 

Friday, April 10, 2020

People have been asking me to post this, so here it is.

     There are many ways to investigate Bigfoot and other Cryptids. Some of the best methods that have been beneficial for my team over the years is common sense. Interviewing total strangers about something they may or may not have seen is difficult and there will be many times that you will think the person that you are talking to is certifiable. This is normal for Cryptid Investigators. The best thing to do in a situation like this is to take the report and keep it for your own archives. Many times, in an investigation, you may hear things that sound completely ridiculous and unbelievable. However, the things you are hearing may be true. The following is a list of common behaviors for Bigfoot and other Cryptids:
Tree knocks
Wood knocks (two pieces of wood being struck together)
Tree Glyphs
Wood Glyphs anywhere on the property
Rocks being clapped together
Livestock disappearing
Food for livestock disappearing
Pets go missing
Food for pets goes missing
The feeling that you are being watched
Seeing shadows in the wood or tree line
Hearing strange noises at night or during the day that cannot be explained
Rocks being thrown at the House, Barn or other structures on the property
Thumps or slaps on the side of the House or other buildings on the property
Noises on the roof of the House or other buildings on the property
Rocks or small branches being thrown at property owners
Rocks being stacked in piles
Gifts of sticks or small animals that cannot be explained
A horrible or repugnant smell that comes from nowhere
Foot, hand or body prints that are unusually large
Garbage cans moved or missing, outdoor furniture missing or damaged, children’s toys moved or damaged
     There are many other things that Cryptids may do this is just a small reference list that can be used to establish the possible presence of a Cryptid. If you find evidence always take at least three pictures of everything. The following list of items are the essentials for a Cryptid Investigator to have while doing a daytime investigation with at least one other person, for no more than three hours that does not involve hiking more than 25 yards into the woods, or tree line.
Cell phone
Protection (firearms are preferred but only if you are properly trained and licensed)
Note pad, pen or pencil
Tape measure
Small offerings (I use marbles, some people suggest food or sugary snacks, I don’t approve of that we don’t know what sugar does to Cryptids)
Digital recorder
Camera and equipment extra batteries, tripod, etc.
Video Camera
Casting plaster
Maps of the area (try to get the most current one)
Gloves and a plastic bag for DNA and hair samples
     If you are doing an overnight investigation for no more than three nights, the following items are also very necessary:
 Camping equipment, tent, sleeping bag, etc.
Weatherproof materials, like tarps
Rope or paracord
Extra batteries, flashlights, and glowsticks
Fire starting materials
Utility knife or tool
Extra maps and compass
Proper clothing
A GPS transponder
Extra ammunition if applicable
Always tell someone where you are going and when you will be back. Give them an amount of time to use as a buffer like three hours and if you have not contacted them, have your contact person alert the authorities. If things go bad time is not your friend, stay put if you can and let help find you.
     As a Cryptid Investigator, your best piece of equipment is also your best weapon; it’s your own brain. This is true if you are 25 miles in the woods or if you are taking a report from a stranger in a trailer park off a major Interstate Highway.

Copyright © 2019 Asheville Cryptid And Paranormal Society, LLC. - All Rights Reserved

Thanks Marlene

 I had an awesome interview last night with the incredible Marlene Pardo.
Thank You, Marlene
-Cryptid Guy

Friday, April 3, 2020

Be Good to each other.

 My Friends,
 In these strange times, let's all try and remember what is important, sticking together, helping out, and looking after each other. Remember that we are in this together and that we are all AMERICANS.
 In conclusion, be kind, do the right thing and above all

-Cryptid Guy

If I can help anyone in any way please feel free to call or email me, I will do the best that I can.
828-407-0046 or ashevillecryptidsociety@gmail.com

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Tough Times Ahead

We should all be a little kinder to each other in the days and weeks to come. The Asheville Cryptid And Paranormal Society wishes all people health,safety, and happiness. We will also be suspending all Cryptid and Paranormal Investigations, and our podcast, until things settle down. Our primary concern is the safety of our team and all of our friends and listeners. Please feel free to continue to send stories and personal experiences to us. Above all stay safe, wash your hands and................................................
-The Cryptid Guy 

Monday, February 24, 2020

New Show

This show is going to be awesome!!
-Cryptid Guy 

Chapter 4 of Beyond Fringe

Chapter 4 of Beyond Fringe is going to be available on February 25th.
The Cryptid Guy and Tiny discuss Paranormal Investigations and opinions on Ghosts and Hauntings.
- The Cryptid Guy