Tuesday, December 15, 2020

CRYPTONOLOGY : A modern approach to Cryptid research, with reinforcement from ancient teachings.

 Happy Holidays 

   As some of you know I have been working on a book about Cryptids, being a Cryptid Detective, my travels, and adventures looking for all different types of Cryptids; primarily across the Eastern Seaboard. I am also discussing other reports that have brought me to different parts of the world. One thing remains constant. The more I detect and look for evidence, the more I realize that there have been "Experts" in the field of cryptozoology for thousands of years. I have always been fascinated by the Native American Culture, and the more I research the more genius I find in the Native Cultures. The Native American Cultures along with other ancient cultures around the world have been using what we refer to as CRYPTONOLOGY (the study of signs, symbols, folklore, and superstition leading to evidence for cryptids) to explain Cryptids. 

   Many cultures have been swept into the sea of time, lost forever. However, they have left ancient knowledge that we can use today to explain Cryptids, their habits, customs, culture, and norms. With the use of these different deposits of knowledge left all over the world, by the ancients, I will attempt to answer all of the questions that are raised by the Cryptid questions pertaining to their existence. First and foremost, Are they real? Where did they come from?  With the use of Cryptonology, I will attempt to answer these questions, and focus on new and specific centration, of ancient history. With this new centration, I will attempt to bridge the gap between the modern age, we live in,  and the earliest of recorded history. This will be done by answering the questions of today, by utilization the bygone knowledge from an archaic, and lost time. My goal is to explain Cryptids in today's world, by using ancient knowledge left behind in the forms of signs, symbols, folklore, and superstition, which will eventually unlock the mysteries that will lead to real evidence of cryptids in the modern world. 


   Best wishes for a great New Year

-Cryptid Guy 

Blanche The Cryptid and Paranormal Wonder Dog expresses her wishes for everyone to have Happy Holidays. 

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